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Noble Gerry de Souza

Samsung 12000 Double Hull
Currently in Nigeria

12,000 ft Water Depth
Available: 2024-Q4


Rig Type: Drillship
Rig Design: Samsung 12000 Double Hull
Builder: Samsung Heavy Industries
Year Built / Upgraded: 2011
Classification: ABS Classed: A1, Drillship, AMS, ACCU, DPS-3
Flag: Liberia
MODU Code: 2001

Ratings & Dimensions

Water Depth: 12,000 ft
Drilling Depth: 40,000 ft
Length: 748 ft
Breadth: 137 ft
Depth: 62 ft
Draft (Operating/ Transit): 39 ft / 28 ft
Moonpool: 84 ft x 41 ft
Variable Deck Load: 22,046 ST
Simultaneous Setback & Hook 2,640 + 2,000 + 1,000 kips
Racking Capacity: 120’ stands for DC’s, 127.5’ stands for DP and Casing
Quarters Capacity: 200


Fuel: 38,997 bbls
Drill Water: 17,611 bbls
Liquid Mud: 3,145 bbls
Brine Storage: 6,290 bbls
Base Oil Storage: 3,145 bbls
Bulk Storage: 32,000 cu ft
Sack Storage: 10,000 sacks


Derrick: 200 ft x 60 ft x 80 ft derrick to handle 135 ft tubular with 2 x NOV 2,000 kips compensating crown block plus AHC
Drawworks: 2 x NOV SSGD-5750, 2,000 kips single speed gear driven by 1,150 HP AC motors with 2” line
Top Drive: 1 x TDX-1250, 2,400 kips rotating (main); 1 x Hydralift HPS 1000-2E-AC-KT, 2,000 kips (auxilliary)
Rotary: 1 x Varco BJ RST 75-1/2" hydraulic (main)
Iron Roughneck: Hydratong MPT TF-975 w/ TE-1190 (2 ea.); 147,000 ft-lbs.
Riser Tensioner / Stroke: (8) Dual Wireline; 225 kips with 50ft stroke
Riser Details: NOV-Shaffer 21" OD, 90 ft joints, Class H FT-DGD 3 1/2 M. lbs, 10,000ft; MPD: Below Tension RIng, 19-1/4" bore, AFGlobal integrated riser joint with Active Control Device, drill String Isolation Tool, and twin 5" flowlines. Full electric AFGlobal 20ft MPD manifold with dual flowpaths, twin 3" Cortec chokes, Coriolis sensors and automated line up functionality. NOV MPD Control System, fully integrated with AFGlobal and rig Cyberbase controls. MPD and PMCD capable. 4x Coriolis Sensors on the mud pumps.
BOP: [(2) - 6 ram cavities: 2 x NOV-Shaffer NXT 18¾" 15k triple: 1 x NOV-Shaffer 18 3/4" 10k annular, GE-Vetco SHD H4 18 3/4" 15k wellhead connector
LMRP: (2) -1 x NOV-Shaffer 18¾" 10k annular; GE-Vetco ExF H4 18¾"15k High Angle Release LMRP connector
Control System: NOV-Shaffer 6th Gen. Multiplex Control System suitable for 12,000 ft
Pipe Handling System: 2 x Hydra-Racker System HR-IV (for 3.1/2” to 16” tubulars), 2 x Hydratong MPT-200 (for 3.1/2” to 9.3/4” tool-joints)
Solids Control NOV-Shaffer 5th Gen. Multiplex Control System suitable for 12,000 ft
NOV-Shaffer 21 1/4" 500 psi CSO for 75.1/2” Rotary table
Tree Storage/ 1 x BOP trolley with skid rated 470 tons; 2 x 240 ton BOP gantry crane with dual lifting hoists, 2 x X-mas tree skids rated 120 tons, 1 x multi-
Handling: purpose cart rated 1,000 tons (lower BOP, X-tree handling, riser hangoff capabilities)
Cranes: 4 x 85 MT electro-hydraulic knuckle-boom cranes at 18 m (59 ft) radius
Mud Pumps: 6 x NOV 14-P-220, 7,500 psi (3 mud + 3 seawater for DGD; up to 5 mud for single gradient
Engines: 6 x 7,000 kW STX-MAN at 720 RPM, each driving 1 x 7,000 kW 11kV generators
Station Keeping: Kongsberg Simrad System for DP-3 Operations
Thrusters: 6 x Rolls Royce Aquamaster fixed pitch Azimuthing in water removable thrusters

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