Noble’s greatest responsibility is the safety of our people. We believe every job can and must be done safely. We
respect the safety and welfare of lives and property beyond our own people, including customers, suppliers,
subcontractors, and regulatory personnel.
In 2016, Noble developed the SAFE Days program for the continued excellence in operations with intent to achieve a
no-harm workplace, that is: no injury to personnel, no harm to the environment and no damage to equipment. We
believe that a zero-incident workplace is achieved One Day, One Tour, One Task and One Person at a time.
Noble continues to provide excellent HSE performance hand in hand with delivering efficient operations for our
clients. A Noble SAFE Day is more than an injury-free day. The criteria for a SAFE Day requires no dropped objects,
spills, process safety events or injuries. Noble’s commitment to safety and focus on SAFE days is changing how we
work; by following our Standards, holding ourselves Accountable and staying Focused, we achieve Excellence.
Live Safe Code
The Live Safe Code is a set of mandatory HSE requirements developed to further Noble’s pursuit of creating a
no-compromise standard of adhering to operational policies and procedures. The Live Safe Code is comprised of ten
common activities with the highest potential for HSE risk and is essential to achieve a no-harm workplace. These
requirements are core to our business and applicable to all personnel and visitors at our facilities and rigs.
Well Control
Follow the 12 Golden Rules of Well Control at all times; all modications to any well control
equipment must use the MOC process.
Follow procedures to prevent loss of containment and minimize waste; always use proper waste disposal
for the protection of the environment.
Dropped Objects
Secure all tools and equipment to prevent them from falling or being dropped and use safe zones for
protection from injury.
Hand & Body Placement
Never place your hands or body in a pinch point, be aware of stored energy sources and never enter
No-Go Zones without permission.
Watertight Integrity
Maintain watertight boundaries at all times, including watertight doors, hatches and access, as
specified in the rig-specific Operations Manual.
Working at Heights
Protect yourself against a fall when working at heights by using fully inspected fall protection
equipment and maintaining 100% tie-off at all times.
System Override
Obtain authorization before bypassing, disabling or inhibiting safety protection devices or
Lift Safe
Follow safe lifting operations and the prescribed lift plan and never walk under a suspended load.
Stop Work
You have the authorization and obligation to stop any process or operation due to hazards(s) to the
life and health of personnel or the environment.
Isolations & Permits
Verify isolation before work begins and work with a valid Permit to Work when required.